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  • Hälsa & välmående
Skriven av Jill Sheehan den 29 oktober 2020
  • Hälsa & välmående Overview: Outsmart Your Genes One App at a Time

Conventional DNA tests like AncestryDNA and 23andMe analyze less than 0.5% of your total DNA. To achieve a more extensive understanding of your health and ancestry, it’s essential to encompass your entire genome. provides an advanced DNA test that furnishes 50-100% more genetic data than standard alternatives. Through this test, you unlock access to over 100 comprehensive reports encompassing your ancestry, health, and overall wellness.

You don’t need specialized genetics knowledge to navigate; the platform is designed to be user-friendly and cost-effective. Read on to learn about my experience with the Ultimate DNA Test.

Check Sequencing Deals

How Works

What’s in the Box: An introductory letter, cheek swab collection tube with specimen bag, registration/instruction card, and a prepaid mailing envelope with tracking number. Welcome Letter and DNA Collection Kit

The kit comes with everything you need to get started, including a prepaid mailing envelope.

Taking the Test: Before you swab your cheeks, you’ll want to register your DNA collection kit. That’s right, there’s no blood or saliva required, just some harmless little cheek cells. Don’t panic when you see “Living DNA” on the packaging – this is’s lab partner who will process your sample. Once you activate your kit, will send an email with further instructions to register on its site as well.

Be sure to avoid drinking, eating, and smoking at least 30 minutes before you take your cheek swab sample. As long as your mouth is a little moist, you can still get a good sample. - Living DNA Kit Activation

The collection kit is branded as Living DNA – this is the company handling your DNA sample.

I highly recommend following the instruction card provided by Living DNA – it includes a link with a how-to video to ensure you get a high-quality cheek swab sample. You’ll essentially need to rub the heck out of your cheek (one or both) to collect a decent amount of skin cells. It might hurt a little (it did for me), but at least you’ll know you have a good sample. - Cheek Swab Collection

Living DNA offers a very helpful video tutorial to ensure you get the best cheek swab sample.

Mailing and Time to Results: Once you’ve finished collecting your sample, put it back in the test tube, apply the kit ID labels as instructed, and seal it up in the specimen bag. Then it’s time to put it in the prepaid shipping envelope and send it on its way. Depending on which kit you choose, the time to results could be anywhere between 6-8 weeks – you’ll receive an email from when your results are ready to view. - Raw DNA Upload Center

Upload your raw DNA files with’s Upload Center. You can even upload data from multiple tests – the highest quality data will be combined using One Genome technology.

Raw DNA Uploads (Optional): You have the option to either await the results of your Sequencing test or, if you’ve previously undergone a DNA test and have access to your raw DNA data, you can upload it to Each testing site provides instructions on how to obtain your raw DNA data. If you don’t have previous test data, that’s perfectly fine. However, if you do, will utilize its One Genome technology to amalgamate the highest quality data from each raw DNA file, potentially enhancing the accuracy of your reports. Products and Services sets itself apart by providing unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to choose precisely the information you wish to explore from its extensive range of over 100 apps and reports. Depending on your membership tier, you can access both complimentary and premium apps spanning various categories, with the platform regularly introducing new options.

Privacy and data security are paramount at Your personal information and DNA data are carefully protected and kept confidential. They are never sold or shared with any third parties, unless you opt to share them with a healthcare provider or family member for specific purposes.

A Brief Overview of How the Apps Function: These apps automate the process by analyzing your raw DNA data and compiling detailed reports, making the information more accessible and easier to understand. Some apps may take longer to process your data, while others generate results more quickly. It’s advisable to try out a few apps and engage in other activities while waiting, as it can be a lengthy process, especially with the Ultimate Genome Sequencing test. You will receive an email notification once the results are ready from each app.


Although you can’t dig very deep on Sequencing at this time, there are some great ancestry-related apps to help you learn more about your family’s origins.

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • Map My Genes - See where people with a similar genetic makeup are located
  • Ancestry & Genealogy - Learn more about the origins of your DNA
  • Nutrition Heritage Report - Find out which foods are optimal for your genetic makeup

The EDGC Ancestry & Genealogy app (shown below) did a decent job compared to previous tests I’ve taken, but I wouldn’t consider it spot-on – it was more vague, for one; I suspect due to a smaller user database. The European bit is reasonably close compared to 23andMe and AncestryDNA; those tests both say I’m approximately 99% European. However, 23andMe says my “slice” of Middle Eastern/African/Asian is less than 1%, and this app said it was nearly 9%. So, I question the accuracy here until I have my whole genome data to compare it to. So, take this information with a grain of salt or try multiple DNA tests to see how they measure up.

There’s also no way to connect with relatives or build a family tree (at least, not yet), but it’s something that’s in the works for a future update. - Sample EDGC Ancestry Report

EDGC’s Ancestry & Genealogy breakdown was more vague compared to other DNA tests I’ve taken.

Other Tests to Consider

  • AncestryDNA is still king when it comes to doing genealogical research – its user database of 18,000,000+ users is the largest currently available, and chances are you’ll find lots of relatives already on the site. Its major downside: Its subscription-based memberships are very expensive – one year can cost about the same as a one-time fee for a whole genome sequencing test.
  • FamilyTreeDNA lets you find matches for free, but its user database of ~1,150,000 doesn’t even compare to Ancestry’s (although it is growing all the time). They do offer something Ancestry doesn’t: in-depth maternal and paternal DNA tests that dig deeper than a standard autosomal (familial) DNA test.

Health and Wellness

You’ll find several apps and reports that can help you determine which diseases and conditions you may have a risk of developing or passing on to your children. These reports can also help you be more proactive in order to live a healthier life.

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • Wellness and Longevity - Predict, prevent, and prevail with actionable health reports
  • Rare Disease Screen DNA Report - Learn your genetic risk factors for rare syndromes, diseases, conditions, and traits
  • Vitamin Balance DNA Report - Find out where your vitamin levels could use a little boost based on your genetic makeup
  • Blood Traits and Conditions - Learn how your genes could impact your vascular health
  • Coronavirus DNA Health Assessment - Learn your risk of developing COVID-19 and its potential severity based on your - Free Coronavirus DNA Health Assessment Report

Concerned about your risk for developing COVID-19? This free health assessment provides actionable information based on your DNA.

Given how severely the COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) outbreak has impacted people around the globe, Sequencing is offering a free Coronavirus DNA health assessment to every user of its site.

Full Disclosure: I had a suspected coronavirus case early on during the U.S. outbreak (before widespread testing was available). This report told me my risk of getting COVID-19 was normal. It also said I had a higher risk of developing severe symptoms, but thankfully, my symptoms were not severe, although I had many that nagged over several months’ time. So, don’t be alarmed if this report tells you it could be severe – and please follow responsible health practices to prevent its spread. Also, I AM NOT A DOCTOR, so don’t take this as official medical advice.


Warning: this section is not for the faint of heart. This area is better suited to medical professionals or genetics buffs who want to understand every last strand of their DNA (like yours truly).

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • Genome Explorer - The browser for your genes – shows every snippet of your DNA by chromosome, condition, and more
  • Genome Overview - A technical overview of your genetic data

Now, you can try and interpret your raw data in Genome Explorer like I did, but the apps and reports basically exist to do the work for you, saving you a lot of time, unwarranted panic, and confusion. It also helps if you view individual apps/reports and then look up the details in the explorer to ”see” it for yourself. If you do want a little guidance, Sequencing also offers genetic counseling as an add-on service (or as part of its Platinum membership plan). - Genome Explorer Sample Data

A glimpse at the Genome Explorer – it’s confusing, but with a little guidance, I can see how my body responds to aspirin based on my DNA.

I did a quickie example here (pictured above) to show you how Genome Explorer works. I knew what to expect because my Wellness and Longevity report told me that based on my DNA, my response to aspirin should be normal (it is). So, I pulled up the related data in the explorer to see how my genes play into aspirin response efficacy/toxicity. I don’t have any genetic variants or risks (referred to as “alt” in the explorer) that could indicate the potential for aspirin resistance, thankfully.

This is just a very simple example; your potential to develop diseases or rare conditions is often based on numerous genetic markers and variants covering numerous genes, and fair warning – trying to do further research might make your head spin. Also, unless you get whole genome sequencing done, you won’t know all of your genetic risks beyond the most common ones (this is where the most popular DNA tests fall very short). Even then, you may never develop a condition just because your genes indicate a higher risk, so, it’s best to consult with a medical professional if you see something alarming to you.


Your DNA can tell you how well you may (or may not) sleep, and even how the weather might affect your mood.

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • Sleep DNA Wellness Report - Restless sleeper? Early riser? Night owl? This report can reveal your sleep-related answers.
  • Cannabis DNA Health Report - Find out which cannabis strains can help your body function optimally or potentially cause problems
  • Thrive - Find balance through healthy eating, stress reduction, and exercise tailored to your needs


If you decide to test your child’s DNA, you can review important health reports that may affect their well-being, along with fun facts you’ll both enjoy.

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • Santa and Me - How much DNA does your child have in common with Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick?
  • Prevent Sudden Death - See if your child has risk factors for SIDS or other causes of sudden death
  • Mood DNA Wellness Report - Learn what makes your child’s moods tick, including seasonal, biochemical, and stress-related factors

Diet and Fitness


One diet doesn’t fit all; these apps and reports can help you determine which foods are best for you based on your genes, and where your diet might be lacking.

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • DNA Diet - Find out how your unique DNA affects your metabolism, appetite, and more
  • Lactose Intolerance - Do dairy products cause you intestinal discomfort, or is it something else?
  • Nourish - Personalized strategies for your most optimal health and dietary habits
  • Nutrition Report - Learn which vitamins, minerals, and food sensitivities might be affecting your diet


Are you built for strength or for endurance? Find out how your DNA could impact your ability to lose weight, build muscle, and improve your overall health through exercise and healthy habits.

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • Athletic Performance - Find out which sports and activities can help your body thrive
  • RunDNA - See which type of training and lifestyle habits can optimize your distance running performance
  • Empower - Learn which types of exercise and recovery methods are best for your body

I gave the Athletic Performance app a spin, and the report confirmed what I knew from personal experience – I’m a power athlete rather than someone who can handle endurance-based exercise. You’ll never see me run a marathon, that’s for sure, and I was a sprinter back in my school days. This also falls into line with what AncestryDNA and 23andMe’s health reports told me, so I’d say this data is pretty accurate. - Athleticism Report Sample

My actual results from the Athletic Performance report – it’s true, I’m more of a power athlete than an endurance-based one. Strong and short sprints, no marathons!


Find out how your DNA could affect your risk of developing skin conditions and the ability to keep a full head of hair.

Featured Apps in this Category:

  • Male Pattern Baldness - Are you doomed to lose your hair? This app can help you plan ahead.
  • Skin Health Optimizer - Find out if you’re at risk for melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer and how to minimize your chances of developing it
  • Skin Genes - Keep your skin in optimal shape with suggestions based on your unique DNA


Mostly just for fun, and for the time being, covers a single app that predicts how you might look based on your DNA.

Featured App in this Category:

  • DNA Selfie Appearance Predictor - See how your DNA might dictate your facial appearance

There’s only one app under the Art category as of this writing, and it’s more for fun than anything. Thankfully it was free with my trial membership, because had I paid for the results I got, I would have felt cheated. As shown in the image below, I got a pretty laughably wrong “best prediction” for mine – I’m most certainly not blonde, nor is my hair shade light. (I did have reddish-blonde hair for a time when I was a baby, though.) - DNA Selfie Appearance Predictor Results

Results from the DNA Selfie Appearance Prediction app – their best guess was wrong!

To be fair, the probability charts show what you might look like, and there are only so many options, but clearly they aren’t 100% error-proof. I highlighted the traits that do describe me: I have hazel-brown eyes, my hair is dark brown, and my skin is more intermediate-pale. That combo does appear in the potential guesses, so I can’t fault the app too much, but definitely prepare to laugh at how wrong it could be. Or maybe you’ll get lucky and it will nail your traits on the first try. To compare, 23andMe and AncestryDNA guessed my traits pretty accurately – maybe a saliva sample works better than a simple cheek swab here?

Similar Tests to Consider

SelfDecode – Some of SelfDecode’s reports appear in the Sequencing app store, and you can save a bit of money by running them through Sequencing rather than paying for individual reports or a membership on SelfDecode’s site. If you want additional insight toward living a healthy life, though, SelfDecode can help you further “hack” into your DNA with its own rich database of genetic data and personalized lifestyle recommendations.

EverlyWell – You’ll find a variety of test kits on EverlyWell that let you test specific areas like vitamin levels, thyroid function, metabolism, and more. It’s a good way to monitor your health over time, while a DNA test only checks for genetic components that could affect these measurements.

Other Test Kits Available from Sequencing

Ultimate Genome Sequencing - If you want the very best DNA testing available outside of a geneticist’s office, you can’t beat’s complete genome sequencing test. The 30x clinical-grade test reveals 100% of your DNA and genetic code, ensuring you have access to all the information you need to take charge of your health and wellness.

Pricing: Free and Paid Options for Beginners and Advanced Users Membership Levels offers free and paid subscription plans, and all include the use of free apps. offers 4 different membership levels to suit any type of user.

Free -

  • Use of any free apps in the app market
  • Free Athletic Performance Report
  • Genome Explorer (Free version)
  • No monthly fees, plus free storage of your DNA data
  • Pay for premium apps only when you use them

Silver -

  • Use of any free apps in the app market
  • Free use of DNA Selfie app
  • Genome Explorer (Ultimate version)
  • 2 free premium apps per month
  • Genome-Lock DNA security – 24/7 military-grade data encryption
  • One Genome for Life technology
  • Altruism rewards for contributing your anonymous genetic data for research

Gold -

Everything in the Silver membership, plus:

  • 4 free premium apps per month
  • Real-time health updates whenever there’s new information that’s relevant to your DNA

Platinum -

Everything in the Silver & Gold memberships, plus:

  • 6 free premium apps per month
  • Lifetime live genetic counseling with licensed genetic counselors (not available during a free trial)

Live genetic counseling is also available as an add-on to any membership level for an additional fee.

Your data won’t be deleted at the free membership level – in fact, you can store your information on its servers indefinitely for free – you’ll pay only for the apps you want to use with no additional monthly fees. And free apps are always free to use as many times as you’d like.

You can also opt-in to share your DNA data with genetics researchers – your data is de-personalized to assure your privacy. This entitles you to Altruism rewards – the more points you earn while using the site, the more Sequencing is able to give back through donations to life-saving charities.

Note: Monthly membership fees can vary depending on which tier you’re on and the number of users attached to your account – each unique genome counts as a separate user, but you can attach multiple family members to one account.

DNA Test Kits

Sequencing’s Ultimate DNA Test and Ultimate Genome Sequencing kits both come with a free month of Silver membership to help you get a feel for everything it has to offer. You can choose to upgrade to a higher membership plan at any time, or you can revert to a free membership after your trial expires.

  • The Ultimate DNA Test also includes a free bonus for the Plus Version of the Coronavirus DNA Health Report.
  • The Ultimate Genome Sequencing kit’s free bonuses include the Wellness & Longevity Report, Healthcare Pro Report, Rare Disease Screen, and the Comprehensive Coronavirus DNA Health Report.

Accepted Payment Methods

Sequencing accepts payments from all major credit and debit cards, plus gift cards and prepaid cards that are processed by Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. It also accepts Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Check Sequencing Deals Customer Support: Useful Information, but Hard to Find


Depending on where you look, help can be a bit confusing to find on the Sequencing website. You will, however, find a very thorough knowledge base, education center, blog, and genetic counseling links under the Info menu. You can also search for answers and submit support tickets via the Support link.

Live Chat and Counseling

When it’s available, there’s also a live chat option if you want to talk to a support agent directly, although I couldn’t pinpoint an exact timeframe for live chat hours. You can also sign up for optional genetic counseling services when it’s most convenient for you – this comes at an additional charge (unless you’re on the Platinum plan, then it’s built into the membership).

Social Media

You can technically reach support staff via social media (Twitter and Facebook), although I found this was the slowest and least effective way to get answers.

Individual App Support

As for app support, most feature a quick explanation, pricing info (if applicable) and a FAQ on each individual app page. This is especially helpful since many apps are maintained by third-party developers and not staff.

My Support Experience

I was curious about the age range for taking’s DNA tests, since other test kits state users must be at least 13 years old and under adult guidance. This answer came pretty quickly via support ticket (thanks, Hannah). I learned the tests can be done by users of any age, as long as the primary account holder is at least 18 years old. - Support Ticket Inquiry #1

A response to my inquiry was very prompt as a registered member of the site.

I submitted a second support ticket when the question I asked via Facebook didn’t warrant a good response. Hannah was able to tell me there aren’t any limitations as to where DNA kits are shipped, they ship worldwide without any restrictions. - Support Ticket Inquiry #2

Support tickets are by far the fastest way to get answers.

My help experience on Facebook didn’t quite work out. Not sure if Hannah handles that or not – the canned response mentioned her name, but I didn’t hear back for several days, and still didn’t get a definite answer until I submitted another support ticket. So, I recommend going the support ticket route. - Facebook Messenger Inquiry

On Facebook, I got a canned response right away, but never got a definitive answer to my quick question. (I eventually got my answer via support ticket #2.)

Although Facebook support fell a bit short for me, I did receive an email asking me to rate my support ticket experience, which was positive. So, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t get a good response via social media – filling out a support ticket via the website is your best bet and they’ll keep your ticket open until you’re a satisfied customer.

Final Verdict: It’s Worth Getting Your Sequencing in Order

Do I think it’s worth bringing into your life? Yes. The extra bits of information you can unlock with its Ultimate DNA Test can tell you much more than 23andMe does about important health and wellness topics. (Although, if you reside in the United States, it’s due to strict FDA rules that 23andMe and AncestryDNA can’t tell you everything it might know about your health.)

Who would I recommend to? If you’re someone who wants to take better control of your health and don’t mind the steep learning curve that goes into interpreting your DNA, you will get a lot of value out of’s Genome Explorer app. I also recommend Sequencing if you have complicated health issues or a history of disorders that could use better clarity through whole genome sequencing and a consultation with a genetic counselor.

Do you need to crack open a biology or genetics book to understand your DNA? Maybe, although no matter how much you do or don’t remember about DNA, there are loads of helpful resources to help you figure out each of the apps featured on These apps mainly exist to help you make heads or tails of the data – in other words: each app does the heavy lifting for you by processing your DNA, then spits out the relevant data in a more digestible format.

A handful of apps are a bit more vague, offering generic suggestions of lifestyle changes, fitness, and eating plans based on the collective data from users with a similar genetic makeup. Other reports are extremely thorough and more personalized, especially the ones available from App MD. The App MD reports tell you which variants in your genes are related to certain traits and conditions, along with citations of studies relating to those topics – I recommend choosing its reports first if you’re on a plan that offers 2 or more free reports each month.

Want an even bigger challenge? Try browsing the millions of characters of raw DNA data yourself, but beware, your head may explode due to the sheer volume of data. This is one notable drawback to the site for me: I have a pretty good foundation of what DNA is all about, but I would appreciate a more comprehensive tutorial on how to use the Genome Explorer app so I can work out which data is most relevant and which parts are simply DNA fluff. A video tutorial or user workshop would be extremely helpful. It does become clearer as you learn which genes contain the most commonly-referenced markers, but you’ll need to bring some patience if you want to dig deeper without an expert geneticist’s supervision.

That said, Sequencing might not be for you if you want a more standard overview of your health or a novelty list of traits, something that sites like 23andMe and offer with their DNA kits. Although, sites like Ancestry are starting to upcharge for “premium” health-related reports, while you could potentially get this information for much less with a free or silver-level membership.

I would also like to see a wider variety of apps on Sequencing – it appears they approve new ones regularly (and remove apps that aren’t up to snuff), but the selection is kind of sparse in categories such as Ancestry, Fitness, and Art. Some apps also appear under more than one category, which lends itself to further confusion. Why offer these “departments” unless they’re filled with lots of choices instead of just a couple novelty reports? In comparison, Helix offers a similar “app store” format of DNA reports, yet it features even fewer free apps, plus a very limited selection of premium health and wellness apps, some at a much higher cost than what you can get from Sequencing.

I’m confident that over time, Sequencing’s app offerings will grow and improve as more researchers and app developers get on board. After all, this kind of freely-available, deep genetic data is still in its early stages, not to mention how time-consuming and costly it is to process each person’s entire genome.

Overall, I’m pretty pleased with my experience. I learned new health-related information that I plan to follow up on with my doctor. I also like that I can keep all of my raw DNA data on the site should I ever want to upload/download it elsewhere – I previously had my raw data stored on my computer, which isn’t a terribly stable or secure method in the long run. I think you’ll find Sequencing’s site is ideal for keeping your DNA data safely stored in a central location you can access and share from home, the doctor’s office, and on the go. And best of all: you can help by contributing valuable data (yours) that pushes DNA research even further into the future.


What is Whole Genome Sequencing?

Whole genome sequencing is one of the most advanced DNA testing methods available. Instead of covering less than 1% of the most common genetic markers (which is the limited range covered by popular direct-to-consumer DNA test kits), clinical-grade genome sequencing tests 100% of your DNA and genetic code. Due to its complexity and cost, large-scale genome sequencing isn’t offered as widely as mainstream DNA tests. Thanks to advancements in genetic research in recent years, though, the cost is going down rapidly, making sequencing a more viable option for everyday consumers and healthcare practitioners. This means what once cost thousands of dollars is now less than 1000 U.S. dollars in most cases.

Is Genome Sequencing the Same as a DNA Test?

Both tests are similar in how you submit a DNA sample (with a saliva or cheek swab sample), but they are not exactly the same. Each type of test requires different techniques to crack into your DNA code.

Standard DNA tests, like the ones offered through ancestry websites, use a process called genotyping, which covers less than 1% of your DNA (typically around .01 to .02% – not even half of a percent). An efficient and cost-effective method, genotyping covers the most common genetic variants shared among humans, but it isn’t as thorough as whole genome sequencing. Genotyping works well for everyday users, especially those researching genealogy and people who are curious about common traits and general health issues.

Whole genome sequencing, on the other hand, involves a more rigorous testing process, and covers 100% of your genetic code. Sequencing allows researchers and doctors to take a deeper look at how all of your genes, not just a small sample, could influence your overall health and wellness. It can uncover multiple risk factors and unique genetic variants genotyping tests barely cover or skip over altogether. This makes sequencing more expensive, yet it’s a more accurate testing method, especially if you have or might be a carrier of rare diseases and genetic defects standard DNA tests aren’t designed to detect.

Is Genome Sequencing Safe?

Yes, clinical-grade genome sequencing is very safe. Although DNA testing companies are not regulated by the FDA, they employ advanced medical and security standards to ensure your DNA sample and genetic data is always safe and sound. Kit processing labs are CLIA-certified (Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments) and CAP-accredited (College of American Pathologists), plus your data is stored using strict Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines. Many are also GDPR and Privacy Shield Compliant.

Your lab sample is identified by a kit ID number, no personal information is connected except through your personal account portal – a private link is supplied to you when testing is complete.

As an added measure of security and privacy, if you decide to share your DNA raw data with genetic researchers, it is stripped (aka depersonalized) of your personal information. Additionally, your information is not sold or shared with third-party companies, insurance companies, or marketers.

Is Genome Sequencing Accurate?

Sequencing is the most accurate way to screen all of your DNA. The more your test kit covers, the more data researchers and doctors can learn about your unique genetic makeup. To compare, a typical DNA genotyping kit covers about .01-.02% of your DNA.’s Ultimate DNA Test bumps that figure up to approximately 1% of your DNA, while its Ultimate Genome Sequencing Kit covers 100% of your DNA.

Who Should Take a Whole Genome Sequencing Test?

If you enjoy a generally healthy lifestyle with minimal issues, you may not need a whole genome sequencing test. You can learn plenty of useful actionable data from a test like’s Ultimate DNA test without digging deeper.

On the other hand, if your family has a history of poor health or rare diseases and birth defects, you can gain a wealth of valuable information from a whole genome sequencing test. There’s no guesswork involved – every genetic marker and variation is covered, which can help both you and your doctor make more informed healthcare decisions. The data can also prove valuable to medical researchers as they work to pinpoint the causes and treatments for rare cancers and genetic disorders, among other issues.

What is the Best DNA and Whole Genome Sequencing Service?

Overall, you can get a great deal of value out of a membership. Depending on your membership level, you’ll have access to numerous free and premium reports each month, plus you can purchase additional reports based on your needs and interests from a variety of independent genetic app providers. This app store approach, which features reports from carefully-vetted app developers, also gives you better control over the information you can choose to unlock. Plus, you can upload, download, and store your genetic data indefinitely, and for free, even without a paid membership. On, you can also upload and manage genomes from other family members (at an additional charge), giving you one-stop access to all the DNA data you have on hand.

Other whole genome sequencing services, such as Dante Labs and Nebula Genomics, also offer a wealth of information, yet don’t support raw DNA uploads from as many providers as Nebula Genomics offers more ancestry-focused reports than, though, so if you’re researching deep ancestry, you may have better luck with Nebula. Dante Labs, on the other hand, is mainly focused on health and wellness reports, making them a solid choice if you’re trying to develop better eating and fitness habits based on your DNA.

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Jill Sheehan
Jill Sheehan
Jill has had a life-long fascination with all things scientific. Select topics of interest include chronic illnesses, ancestry research, and animal medicine. Jill currently lives in the Pacific Northwest, where she enjoys yoga, creating art, and snuggling with cats.

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